About Me

New Year, Same You, Let’s Grow!

This is a New Year but you’re still the same you – just a few tweaks to be made to your routine. So let’s grow together! This year will bring about new changes, no doubt but you are still you! Instead of trying to create a “new you” let’s run with idea of optimizing the you that already is so beautifully made. I believe that you are worth the work and will find absolute beauty within who you already are without having to chase an imaginary idea of a new you.

I have had years of creating New Year’s resolutions and they are great but hardly ever do i follow through with them. This may be because they are too big, too broad, or I just plain forget. I want this year to be different in that I set small, achievable goals that can be measured throughout the year rather than just once at the end of the year. I am creating 12 goals – one for each month of the year.

These small steps will be easier to take and ultimately will bring me closer to a better, happier me. I like to create goals that encourage healthier habits, more consistent behaviors, and a balanced routine.

First, my goals for healthier habits are:

  1. Drink a glass of water each morning
  2. Reach 7,000 steps per day
  3. Make dinner at home 95% of the time
  4. Limit drinking alcohol to only one or two nights a week

Second, my goals to create more consistent behaviors include:

  1. Find a workout routine to get moving most days
  2. Take the stairs whenever possible
  3. Park car closest to the cart return rather than the front of the store
  4. Limit screen time

Lastly, my goals for a more balanced routine are:

  1. Find time to play with my kiddos each day
  2. Pray each morning
  3. Encourage more meaningful conversations
  4. Enjoy dessert

This is a New Year but you’re still the same you – just a few tweaks to your routine. So let’s grow together! Rack your brain and write down your list of goals for this year. Make them real, reachable, and gratifying – you got this!

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